quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2022

How to compose photos or paintings

One day the famous philosopher Socrates was asked: "How to summarize in a few words the necessary content for a painting?" and he simply replied, "Variety in unity!"


Visual Equilibrium


at the Decentered

Equilibrium to the
off-center, this is the dynamic point

Subscription can also help balance

unbalanced image

the dog brought balance

See here the wealth of spaces, all different, to the right, left, above, below, and remember the words of Socrates

I leave here, in order of numbers, the points that will be most important according to the visualization, mainly in posters. However, with creativity this whole order can be changed. I have a painting where the most important part is, against the rules, right underneath. Understand?

The circle shows the area of the golden point, the most important of all, which has nothing to do with math, but with diversity in distances: left, right, above, below.

Look at these surrounding lines showing the composition of the flowers diagonally
The rules of composition are to be known, but not to be stuck with them like on the road. They should only serve to create a good visual education for us, right?, and set us free.

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Leonardo da Vinci \ Reflexões

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