sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2024

of the photographic pose


In the villages in the interior of our country, it is not easy to find someone with culture, to be able to speak and be understood. And there is nothing more beautiful than being understood.
Modesty aside, we were both delighted, even though we had to resort to English, which left me so far behind.
In the end, as a souvenir, he asked me to photograph myself, which I responded to. So I asked him to hold his glasses to avoid that artificially posed photo. It's a simple trick that gives other images graceful.

quinta-feira, 14 de março de 2024

Vladimir Putin and the war


What is the real reason for this war?, when Russia is the largest country in the world!, and its European neighbors barely had any armed forces? Now they have to start rearming.

Have you already reflected on the subject?

quarta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2024

Ronald Trump the big bird


They are nothing compared to any emigration bird, but they always return!, and here he is, much to the encouragement of Putin and others... (this cartoon is from 2017, I was unable to join the flock of protected birds, and I have never been able to since work).

segunda-feira, 6 de novembro de 2023

a Real Drama for Fliyng iNsects

   Anyone will wonder how the wasp's efforts to free itself ended? Well, none of that, whenever an insect enters my house, I do everything I can to free it.
   In fact, insects, arachnids and plants, including rain, have helped me very, very much!, with my depression, and loneliness. As a popular English saying goes: "A friend in need is a friend indeed."

domingo, 5 de novembro de 2023

Let us fall in love

"Nothing more beautiful than letting ourselves fall in love, even with the nonsense we do or say!"

That's what I was, passionate nonsense!
    But time doesn't stop, everything changes, degrades or evolves, and today I am nothing more, nothing less than dispassionate nonsense!
    Well, but more reflective.

sexta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2023

The madness of hunger in the flesh.

   I love observing all creatures in their behavior and struggles for life, that life is just a constant struggle!, and woe to those who lose that ardor, and, above all, their aggressiveness. Without violence not even a lettuce would survive.
   Sometimes we get surprises, and when I intended this treat for a kitten, I found these wasps with their furious appetite, rushing to carry it, as if aware that such food was in danger of disappearing.


quinta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2023



   Without glasses I can see poorly, but I detected something moving in the small patch of rubbish accumulated by the wind outside the house. I went to put on my glasses and saw a tiny grasshopper. I picked him up carefully and put him on a chard in a vase, hoping that he would soon jump and run away. But I was wrong, hunger, when there is a lot of it, seems to control any being and drive away fears. He clung to the lettuce and only stopped when the hunger was gone.

   Pay attention to how the grasshopper eats from the outside of the leaf, while the snail and caterpillars pierce it.

Food addicts cats and drives ants crazy

   The wall measures 1.40 meters high, they climb it without any hesitation, sharing the effort, but if the food to be carried is not too heavy, a single ant does not hesitate to climb it. Of course, sometimes they fall, but they don't give up. All natural sharing in this species is beautiful, I hope the human class, one day, evolves like this in the act of sharing.

    Unfortunately, human intelligence is all inclined towards selfishness, and the more wealth, well-being and peace there is in a society, the more exclusive personal interests are. Poor human being who cannot obtain some wealth for his needs.

    In the next video I will show how modern cat food drives ants crazy, see here what harmony when the food is natural cheese. Does human nutrition also have to do with its brutality?

    A fishmonger told me that her pussy won't touch fish or meat, she only eats industrialized cat food. Think about what this food has that makes cats addictive, like a drug, and drives the most social beings on the Planet crazy, to the point where they start deadly fights?


sábado, 28 de outubro de 2023

quarta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2023


The Universe is watching us, and everything we do, we pay for?
No, the Universe does not need an eye on us, and everything we do stimulates a temporal chance response, because everything in the Universe is chance and time. if something adapts, it stays. If there is no adaptation or evolution, it disappears.

sábado, 21 de outubro de 2023

Chestnut seller


Here is something very typical of downtown Lisbon, between Rossio and Rua Augusta, roasted chestnuts! Do you like roasted chestnuts? Beautiful times, these lively youth prowling the chestnuts! I hope you continue to shop with the joy you once did.

quarta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2023

NIVEA branco de neve

 Quem não usou já o creme nivea? Essa maravilha para a pele?
Ele faz parte da minha vida desde nem imagino quando, e está sempre em casa comigo. Pele seca a descamar-se, gretada, irritada, problemas com espigões junto às unhas, um pouco desse creme e passa-me logo. Nunca me dei tão bem com outra coisa.
Mas o que sabemos do creme nivea? Ao que li, ele nasceu em 1911 das mãos do doutor Oscar Troplowitz chefe de um laboratório farmacêutico de nome Beiersdorf, alemães ambos. Nivea vem do latim niveus: branco de neve.
E aqui deixo esta fotografia em humilde homenagem ao Branco de Neve e ao seu criador, dos quais tão pouco se fala.

terça-feira, 17 de outubro de 2023

The sunrise


Sunrise is very rarely photographed, let me tell you, especially artists don't like to get out of bed early. But sometimes the sunrise offers us beautiful colors!... Are you going to get up early to photograph a sunrise?

domingo, 15 de outubro de 2023



Notice how the reeds, in addition to the trees, are very useful here to reinforce the perspective in the image.
They were widely used in basketry!

quinta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2023

human face art

Except in the field of portrait art in painting, and especially in tribal art, the truth is that the human face has never served as great photographic inspiration.

Here is an example of how you can create a human face, even using a cell phone.


Rainy days


Rainy days offer us ranges of colors and very subtle tones. And here is again the use of foliage in the foreground to create depth in the image.

quarta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2023

Give depth to an image

 An example of how we use the elements to build plans in an image, give it depth. From the blurred leaf to the trees everything contributed.

segunda-feira, 11 de setembro de 2023

Pano mode

 Do you already know the "pano" (panoramic) mode on the iPhone? Take a look at the photographic options, it is a recent update. Oh, but I hope the manual mode of shooting will not be late!

sábado, 9 de setembro de 2023

tHe WindOw

Unfortunately, mobile phones still don't have a manual mode in photography, and you can't create pictures like this!

cReate tHrough pHotography


Football, like everything else, has aspects that interest the arts, and here's an unusual image!

sábado, 6 de agosto de 2022

My Hero


"Notice how the plant in the right corner helps balance and justifies the space!"

My hero allowed me to photograph him!, thank you very much. In the morning, when there is less wind, and the sun is filtered by some fog, is without a doubt the best time for macros.

See how he chose the tallest branch to...? He seems very personalized to me, or It wouldn't choose that dangerous spot
But see how I framed it, nothing in the center, but balancing it with the other plants. Looking for some dynamics.

Having a notion of composition is very good, even if it seems confusing at first. But the eyes, like the tongue and ears, educate themselves and speak!

quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2022

How to compose photos or paintings

One day the famous philosopher Socrates was asked: "How to summarize in a few words the necessary content for a painting?" and he simply replied, "Variety in unity!"


Visual Equilibrium


at the Decentered

Equilibrium to the
off-center, this is the dynamic point

Subscription can also help balance

unbalanced image

the dog brought balance

See here the wealth of spaces, all different, to the right, left, above, below, and remember the words of Socrates

I leave here, in order of numbers, the points that will be most important according to the visualization, mainly in posters. However, with creativity this whole order can be changed. I have a painting where the most important part is, against the rules, right underneath. Understand?

The circle shows the area of the golden point, the most important of all, which has nothing to do with math, but with diversity in distances: left, right, above, below.

Look at these surrounding lines showing the composition of the flowers diagonally
The rules of composition are to be known, but not to be stuck with them like on the road. They should only serve to create a good visual education for us, right?, and set us free.

quarta-feira, 20 de julho de 2022

sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2022

My Bed (and) Unmemorable Dreams

A bed
has always been something too important in our lives to be treated simply as more
             a piece of furniture!
not dreams
         which we only remember when we wake up are often compensatory plays to fill the gaps
    and the setbacks in our lives


quinta-feira, 7 de julho de 2022

Before Being


Abstract art in photography, in addition to its beauty, demands from us the knowledge of visual education, a fact that should not discourage those who do not yet have it, as by reading, analyzing, practicing, one evolves.
Afterwards, the surprise that this technique offers is something very rewarding.

joa d'Arievilo

terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2022

Beyond Tomorrow


   Another image created on a Canon EOS.
    Digital cameras, and even classic ones, can go much further than what our eyes see in reality. They can be authentic creators and assistants to artists in the insatiable search for new creations in their works

joa d'Arievilo

sábado, 2 de julho de 2022

Infinite route

The search for new forms in the world of light is surprising, taking us beyond our imagination, and makes me think that in photographic art there is still an infinite journey to be covered.

joa d'Arievilo  

Fantastic world


When observed with a little art, the world of little ones becomes truly fantastic.
Appreciate the skill with which the hammock is designed!, and also the pose of the spider. The most visible part is the back, the head is there, tiny between four legs divided two by two.
With the exaggerated increase in temperature, insects have almost all disappeared in this region of Baixo Alentejo (Odemira).

joa d'Arievilo

visual essay

In addition to faithfully reproducing images, colors, like the sounds that make music for the ears, can make music for the eyes.

joa d'Arievilo
2022 /07/02

sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2022

The Hill of the Rock


A special place from my childhood! We ran everywhere, much to the distress of our mothers...
And we were so happy!

sábado, 18 de junho de 2022

Never return to the land where you were happy

"Never return to the land where you were happy"

It's an old saying, well known, but not taken into account much.

If, for some reason, you embark on this return, I suggest, do not cut your roots with the land where you currently live, making your return impossible; and that, even if you're having a hard time.

Several people have already returned to the land where they were happy, and regretted it. Some managed to reverse the situation, but others disgraced their lives.

So, keep the saying in mind, no matter how beautiful the land where you were happy, especially in your youth; Because, everything changes, and what makes a land truly beautiful is not the landscape!, but the people

joa d'Arievilo

sexta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2021

Sunset in Santa Clara-a-Velha

Nature is fascinating to the depths of the soul! But don't be fooled, all this beauty is insufficient, because it needs to be shared to feed us with peace and happiness

domingo, 27 de dezembro de 2020


in low light, especially indoors, with your cell phone moving, images like these can be taken!

sábado, 26 de dezembro de 2020

In my room


If you can't leave the house, take photos at home.
With the cell phone in motion and low light.
Try it!

segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2020


Partilhar com imagens, mesmo que um dos comunicantes nao tenha conhecimentos sobre o que se comunica, nao é tão desagradável, e difícil, como com palavras.
Isto, a propósito, de hoje tentar partilhar, como é de meu agrado e tendência, o que ouvira sobre a evolução viral da nova variante do covid-19 na Inglaterra; e, do facto de as máscaras antivirais nos protegerem dos vírus da gripe. Resultando numa discução desagradável.

Poucos estados de espírito trazem tanta "sabedoria" como o convencimento assente na ignorância; e, torna-se difícil partilhar algo. Principalmente, se o outro não simpatiza connosco, e nos confronta com profundos disparates.
Os vírus, quanto mais se espalharem, mais facilidades terão em evoluir e criar variantes.
Isto, não acontece só com os vírus, mas com todas as espécies. Veja-se a espécie humana.
Há anos, li, de um cientista, que a facilidade com que os vírus evoluem, pode levar a que sejam os futuros dominadores da Terra.

E agora uma imagem que nada tem de viral, mas de cultura de arte. Arte que muito contribui para o desenvolvimento da sensibilidade, e logo da inteligência a cada dia mais necessária  humanidade. É uma fotografia quase pintura.

Post scriptum:
Acabei de comer bolotas cozidas, bebendo uma caneca de café com leite, uma beleza! Sabia que os nossos antepassados, lusitanos, dos quais descendemos, tinham como alimento comum, e importante, as bolotas? Até fazendo farinha delas? 
Há 60 anos ainda eram muito apreciadas. Isto quando no Alentejo se praticava uma cultura popular muito rica, e que, infelizmente, a ignorância que a evolução tecnológica, e a democracia, para a qual estávamos pouco preparados, desenvolveram, deixou morrer.

Um Bom Natal com saúde e amor!


domingo, 6 de dezembro de 2020

DiAs dE iSoLamenTo


Nos dias de isolamento que se vivem, é muito bom que nos entretenhamos sempre com algo. Quando não pode ser na rua, pelos frios, e chuva, pode ser em casa!
Um telemóvel é um desses “brinquedos” maravilhosos para estarmos entretidos, cabeça ocupada, a fazer fotografia.
Explore bem o seu, que os telemóveis modernos são estúdios fotográficos em miniatura.
Os candeiros de leitura são bons para criarmos iluminações artísticas. Um espelho de mão ajuda a vermos a ilumunação do nosso rosto.
Depois a imaginação faz o resto!
Veja essa duas imagens e imagine como foram feitas!

Esta foto de cozinha é feita
com o telemóvel em movimento no momento do disparo!


Joa d’Arievilo

Um Bom Natal em saúde!

quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2020

CéUs FanTáSticos aLenTejAnos

Nos cehus alentejanos sawo muito comuns estes espetahculos fantahsticos prenuhncios de tempestade, como se o firmamento viesse abaixo sob o peso de chuvas torrenciais! Mas, depois, nawo chove mais que umas escassas gotinhas, que nem enchem um caldeirawo debaixo das goteiras de um telhado. 
O que se torna preocupante, principalmente, na secura das nascentes, locais fornecedoras de ahgua, e pela falta de humidade nos terrenos que alimentam o mundo vegetal no verão.

sábado, 31 de outubro de 2020

Cehus de Agosto

Quantas vezes estes cehus destes me fazem correr para o temohvel, ou mahquina fotograhfica, para os captar!


terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2020

AdOro ChUVa

Adoro chuva!
Os sons!
O banho
Das plantas!
E as gotinhas
De ahgua
Pelos vidros
Das janelas
Ficam lindas



Esta nuhvem estranha e bonita parece querer anunciar o temporal que se avizinha.
Gracyas a Deus q finalmente chove no sentido de toda a palavra "Chuva". Este ano, chuva no Baixo Alentejo tem sido pouco mais que nada; mas ateh q enfim que chove em todas as letras!
Adoro chuva! Vou comer uma folhinha de arruda a celebrar. Sabia q Leonardo da Vinci, e Miguel Ayngelo comiam raminhos de arruda? Descobri ontem. Pensava que era o uhnico doido a fazey-lo, mas o Leonardo e o Miguel jah o faziam.

Alentejo where people die of love

  What words would you write here with Alentejo pronunciation?